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What is Brand Identity? How to Create it!

What is Brand Identity? How to Create it!

The brand identity process is not limited to developing a logo symbol; it has many steps. A logo, on the other hand, is a graphical representation of any business, but it must be noted that it only captures very little of what it means to have a brand. Brand identity management, therefore, involves a multiple set of elements that, as a whole, communicate a business's branding.

In a world where thousands of companies attempt to be unique, having a solid brand image is crucial. It serves as a tool to stand apart from your competitors and foster a long-term engagement with the intended consumers.

To build a brand image for a client or your business, you must gain comprehensive knowledge about what a brand means and how it is formed.

In this article, we’ll look at best practices in brand identity and offer advice that you can use to help guide the creation of a unique and appealing brand identity and learn from experienced brand tacticians.

Table of Contents:

  1. Strong Brand Identity Examples
  2. What is brand identity?
  3. Why do you need a brand identity?
  4. What does brand identity include?
  5. How to create a brand identity (Steps)
  6. Tips for applying and maintaining brand identity across all channels
  7. Conclusion

Strong Brand Identity Examples


The Coca-Cola logo is an example of Brand Identity.

Coca cola bottle and can

Coca-Cola has the most recognizable brand image – the famous logo and rich coloring.

Here’s how Coca-Cola establishes its brand identity: 

  • Iconic Red Script Logo:

The red color of the Coke logo and the writing shapes make it an appealing image of happiness and a pleasant feeling of refreshment. Using red as the primary color creates an energy and excitement associated with it. The script typeface gives a feeling of fun and tradition.

  • Unique Packaging and Imagery:

The common designs of the Coca-Cola bottles are unique in both shapes and sizes, with the shape being unique and contoured. It deepens customer awareness by continually reminding them of memorable visuals like the polar bear and the classic ribbon imagery familiar to most audiences.


Brand identity can be illustrated using the Starbucks Siren Logo. 

Starbucks Can with logo over it

Consumers readily identify Starbucks with its green logo and presence in the global coffee industry. 

 The brand’s identity is enhanced by: 

  •  Iconic Green Logo: 

The green siren logo is very familiar to everyone and indicates the higher quality of service at Starbucks. The logo is in harmony with its primary concern of providing a pleasant coffeehouse environment. 

  • Global Coffee Culture: 

The focus here is not that Starbucks is solely about coffee; it is so much more than that. The company provides standard and quality service at all its stores across the globe; featuring its products and services, such as quality coffees and excellent customer service, confirms its standing as the world’s leading coffee-selling company. 


Application of Brand Identity – Case of Netflix Logo  

Netflix brand identity

The recognizable red logo and the company’s specialization in streaming services are the critical elements of Netflix’s brand image. 

 Here’s how Netflix builds its brand:

  • Distinctive Red Logo: 

The red logo carries a tradition of meaning quality entertainment at the convenience of the clients. The company's visual identity is a crucial marketing tool, and it is explicitly created to signal the recognizable brand associated with a multitude of popular content. 

  • Streaming Innovation: 

With its streaming services, Netflix disrupted how media content is viewed and consumed. Its brand image is based on state-of-the-art technology and a wide selection of self-produced and licensed materials, thus staying true to the company’s strategy of being a leading brand in digital entertainment.

Why do You Need Brand Identity?

a girl pointing towards brand

Importance of Brand Identity

Unforgettable Impressions

To compete effectively in the current marketplace, a strong brand identity is necessary. It assists consumers in quickly identifying and recalling your brand, making it a useful tool for advertisers who wish to create market niches for themselves.

Building Trust and Earning Credibility:

Building a good brand is essential to establishing credibility and reliability in the eyes of the audience. This integrated statement captures your company’s mission and vision, providing all stakeholders with a focused message about your brand.

Captivating and Retaining Your Audience:

An impressive brand image successfully conveys the idea of your brand and ensures the targeting of the right crowd, guaranteeing customer loyalty. This link makes a lot of sense when it comes to establishing sustainable business operations in the long run.

Benefits of Brand Identity:

  • Lasting Impressions:

A well-built brand image can enshrine the notion of your brand and, in this way, can target the right people and achieve customer commitment. This link is quite relevant when it comes to laying down the foundation of strong and stable business models in the long run.

  • Emotional Connection:

Branding creates a loyal following and an audience that can emotionally connect with your brand. This deeper level of interaction increases customer loyalty and increases the customer's bond with the brand.

  • Unified Presence:

The use of a common brand image in all the marketing communication channels makes the brand awareness and communication of the marketing strategy more effective, making the total marketing communication less of a conflict.

  • Surging Sales and Unmatched Success:

A strong brand image not only results in increased sales but also the uptake of same-brand products by the same customers. This puts your business in good stead for the future as it guarantees that your brand stands out and remains distinct.

What Brand Identity Includes?

components of brand identity

Essential Components and Elements:

The combination of these elements creates a brand image that is unique and consistent.

1. Logo

Color Palette: A collection of colors applied to all the branding products to depict the brand's personality and avoid confusion.

Typography: The fonts and sizes of the texts used in the brand’s communication, including the style and appearance of scripts and letters.

Iconography: The application of signs that support the brand's message through figures, pictures, and other items.

2. Brand Messaging

Tagline: Creating a catchy slogan that would capture the general vision of the brand and what it stands for.

Value Proposition: The particular quality or attribute of a brand and the proposition that the brand stands for compared to the competition.

Key Messages: Promotional messages that can inform the audience of what the brand feels is important to them, the reason for its existence, and the value that can be derived from it.

3. Voice & Tone

Brand Personality: The collection of human factors linked to the brand that determines how it speaks and communicates with the audience.

Communication Style: The way it delivers messages and communicates them: the choice of words, the level of formality, and emotional appeal.

Language Guidelines: A language usage guide that addresses all issues of communication and messaging to and within the brand area.

 4. Brand Guidelines

Logo Usage: Guidelines on its proper application and usage in different areas to avoid abuse and improper utilization.

Color Codes: Any special color codes (e.g., HEX, RGB, CMYK) that ought to be adopted for brand colors to harmonize them.

Typography Guidelines: Promoting the appropriate usage of fonts by laying down guidelines on which fonts to use and when to use them in producing a specific material.

5. Visual Elements

Imagery and Photography: The specific characteristics or parameters associated with the images and photos that constitute the brand identity.

Graphic Elements: Graphics-related features, including shapes and patterns, can help promote the brand identity.

Layout and Composition: The distribution and alignment of graphic items used in branding to provide a good view and outlook.

6. Target Audience

Demographics: Demographics of the brand’s consumers include age, gender, income, education, and job status.

Psychographics: Knowledge about the customer in terms of their life cycle, their needs and wants, and other psychological factors that define them.

Customer Insights: High level of insight into the audience regarding their requirements, choices, actions, and concerns.

How to Create Brand Identity: 10 Steps

10 Steps of brand identity

Build Your Brand Foundation:

Begin by outlining what the brand is all about – its purpose, objective, and direction. This is your brand’s reason for existence and what should define and shape all the actions that your brand takes. Make sure the essence of your brand is conveyed by the message you want out there so that clients know who you are.

Assess Your Current Brand Identity:

Find out what your brand looks like currently. Make sure your logo, colors, fonts, and overall design are correct. Take the temperature of what is currently popular and what can use some updates. This type establishes how accurately the current brand image represents who you are and how the public perceives it.

Study Your Competitors:

See what other brands active in your industry are doing. Learn how they do it and how you are doing it with regard to branding so that you can draw a line in the sand. Knowing your competition is very important so you can easily identify the gaps and opportunities where they can separate your brand.

Set Your Visual Style:

Determine how you want your brand to appear to the public. This involves selecting the right images or graphics, as well as a layout that is consistent with the image you wish to portray as a brand. It is a boring and complicated process to select the right visual style for your web project from the start.

Draft Your Branding Strategy:

Make sure that you have outlined your brand’s plan of action. This should include your vision, voice, shape, and tone, as well as necessary facts and how you have branded your company. Branding becomes easier to maintain when it has a proper strategy since you stay focused on the goals that have been set.

Design Your Logo:

Design and implement an easily recognizable and memorable logo. It should accurately convey the brand message and perform across all mediums. A very effective logo is helpful in brand awareness and understanding.

Select Your Color Palette:

Choose a particular set of colors that just feel right with the brand image you want to put out there. The colors used should also be bright and consistent to ensure that your brand is easily noticeable and attractive to the eye in any location in which it is placed.

Select Your Fonts:

Select fonts that capture your image and are legible, and ensure they are downloadable. It is important that your fonts also reflect your brand voice and be easy to use both online and offline. The flow and continuity of typography assist in maintaining the neat and professional appearance of your brand.

Create Supporting Visuals:

Create other graphic elements, such as icons and illustrations, which help to support the brand. These must work in harmony with other primary brand assets and should be effectively used to communicate the brand’s story creatively.

Develop Brand Guidelines:

Develop a set of guidelines for the consistent application of your brand elements. This ranges from your logo, colors, fonts, and overall style. Brand standards help to make sure all the members of your team convey your brand in a consistent manner, hence giving it a uniform appearance.

10 Tips for  Applying and Maintaining Brand Identity Across All Channels

Brand identity tips

Clarify Your Brand Purpose:

It should be able to effectively communicate its purpose and why consumers should find it relevant. Reduce the field of your craft to its barest basic logical plane so that anybody will have no problem appreciating your best offering.

Identify Your Ideal Client:

Specifically, identify your target market so that you can clearly state who should use your services the most. Understand their requirements, choices, and the places they turn to when seeking answers. Understanding this will assist you in targeting, influencing, and communicating with them in the right manner.

Highlight Your Unique Selling Point:

Find out what differentiation factors are all about your brand. No matter whether it is an unusual approach, specific expertise, or outstanding customer focus, always specify where you shine and why this is significant.

Integrate Branding into Marketing:

Ensure that your brand identity is followed well across all your marketing communications. Capture your intended tone and utilize language that embodies your brand identity while at the same time meaning what it is to your target audience.

Establish an Online Presence:

Create an informational professional website and have an optimized LinkedIn account. Post information that aligns with your specialization to ensure the right audience accesses the right information at the right time across all your online platforms. This will also help build brand consistency, which, in turn, will help build a strong brand reputation.

Leverage Social Media:

Connect with people on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, which are among the most used social networks. As the number of users increases, these platforms remain important for creating brand engagement and developing relations with a proper social media strategy.

Showcase Success Stories:

Gather and showcase positive feedback and examples of work completed that can attest to their achievements. Such stories offer social proof and allow prospective customers to understand how they will gain from your services.

Network with Industry Peers:

Post your brand message on professional boards or discussion groups where other professionals work or spend time. Establishing contacts with such specialists is an excellent idea as they may become your valuable referral sources and ensure the successful formation of your brand identity in the chosen market.

Utilize Impactful Imagery:

Take the time to have an impressive logo design, and do not overlook the benefits of a good headshot. Your animation should reflect your brand identity and capture the attention of target consumers to increase reliability and awareness.

Promote Consistently:

Consistently remind your target audience of who you are and what you stand for at every touchpoint. Regular promotion is also helpful in creating awareness of its existence and credibility since unfamiliar brands are less likely to be considered by clients and prospective customers.


In a world where consumers are surrounded by countless brands present at a constantly increasing rate, it is crucial to establish a unique and consistent brand image to transform your business into a brand that the audience will follow. A well-developed and polished logo, colors, typeface, and voice all aid in the identification and brand trust and fandom from customers. A key to a successful brand identity therefore requires understanding the current brand elements as well as the competitors to establish a powerful, appealing, and memorable visual and verbal tone. After creating the brand identity, it is crucial to ensure that it is successfully deployed throughout the respective channels. To tackle this, a clear brand image and messaging protocols must be implemented, as well as constant supervision and extensive staff familiarization.

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