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How to Change Your Logo Font using Zoviz

How to Change Your Logo Font using Zoviz

How To Change Your Font

Selecting a font that suits your brand is necessary when working on your logo. That is why, with Zoviz, we will help you meet them and, as a result, make it as easy as possible. Here are the simple steps to change the font

Step 1. Go to the top right corner of the screen and find the profile button.

find the profile button.

Step 2. Select "My Brands."

My Brands

Step 3. Select the logo that needs to be changed.

Select the logo

Step 4. Click the Edit button.

Edit button

Step 5. Navigate to the link in your logo.

Link Of Your Logo

Step 6. Now, click on the “Edit Font” button.

Edit Font

Step 7. Choose the appropriate font for you.

Select Font

Step 8. Press "Save Changes. "

Save Changes
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